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100% Baby Alpaca

這裡有最頂級的Baby Alpaca 大條披肩

尺寸: 長180/ 200cm x 寬70cm (不包/包流蘇)

洗滌建議:乾洗 ( Dry Clean Only )






全世界最貴的毛料 - 羊駝/草泥馬

僅能每兩年剪毛一次 ; 羊駝的毛是最細最優質的


  • llama (Lama glama)
  • alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
  • guanaco(or huanaco) (Lama guanico)
  • vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

(不過vicuña & guanaco是保育類動物)


llama:$ 5 USD
alpaca:$ 50 USD
vicuña:$ 1000 USD
guanaco的價格介於alpaca & vicuña之間





The Shawl is made of 100% super baby alpaca fiber, which is the finest alpaca quality. It´s obtained through a delicate and ancestral manual selection of the already fine baby alpaca fiber. 


About Alpaca:

  • Is softer, lighter and stronger than cashmere or sheep wool
  • Consists of long-lasting lustrous fibers that are stain, odor, flame and wrinkle resistant
  • Is an eco-friendly renewable fiber that comes in 22 natural colors


Story behind the products:


Brand of the scarf - Sol is the leading alpaca producer and exporter in the world since 1931 and is also the name of the chain of stores located in the main cities of Peru.


It presents annual and exclusive collections of luxurious, contemporary and sophisticated knitted and woven clothing for all, where trendy, classic, eco, premium, and hand-made products made out of the finest Peruvian fibers such as alpaca and vicuña can be found.


All collections are designed by the exclusive and well-known designer Fariba Heydari, who travels every year to Asia, Europe and the United States to ensure that the alpaca collections reflect the latest fashion trends.


Its mission is to continue the Peruvian textile tradition, crafting garments and accessories, and using our age-old knowhow in combination with the latest technology.


Most importantly, the collection uses only the finest noble fibers and the production processes are friendly to the natural environment.


The company also involves projects to support local:


  • To revive traditional cultural identity by promoting the art of weaving in schoolchildren from the rural and urban communities in the highlands.
  • Started in 2006 as a joint initiative with customers close to the company with the aim of improving the living conditions of disadvantaged children in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes, especially the impoverished children of alpaca herdsmen. 


秘魯 100% Baby Alpaca 披肩

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