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100% Baby Alpaca

這裡有最頂級的Baby Alpaca 圍巾

長180* 寬30cm

洗滌建議:乾洗 ( Dry Clean Only )





羊駝毛圍巾靈感來自Parcas文化的紡織藝術(公元700年 - 公元100年前)。Parcas紡織品以其鮮豔的色彩和超自然的生物或巫師的形象聞名。所用的染料皆是天然。


全世界最貴的毛料 - 羊駝

僅能每兩年剪毛一次 ; 羊駝的毛是最細最優質的


  • llama (Lama glama)
  • alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
  • guanaco(or huanaco) (Lama guanico)
  • vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

(不過vicuña & guanaco是保育類動物)


llama:$ 5 USD
alpaca:$ 50 USD
vicuña:$ 1000 USD
guanaco的價格介於alpaca & vicuña之間





Beautiful 100% Baby Alpaca scarf inspired by the textile art of the Parcas culture (700 BC. - 100 BC). Parcas textiles are known for their bright colors and images of supernatural creatures or shamans. They were made of wool and cotton, the wool coming from the Alpaca and Lama. The natural dyes used, surprisingly kept their color after more than 2,000 years.


About Alpaca:

  • Is softer, lighter and stronger than cashmere or sheep wool
  • Consists of long-lasting lustrous fibers that are stain, odor, flame and wrinkle resistant
  • Is an eco-friendly renewable fiber that comes in 22 natural colors

Story behind the product

The scarf is from a famous peruvian lifestyle brand KUNA, that is inspired by the unique textile heritage of the inca culture. It combines the skill and the traditional knowledge of the textile craftsmen of the Andes with modern technology and design. The peruvian quality brand is part of the Inca Group, pioneer in the trade and export of alpaca products.


Vertically integrated operations guarantee ethical business practices based on the wellbeing of man and nature throughout the whole value chain. KUNA participates in several programs that benefit the local rural communities: Ttextile workshops, incentives that encourage the practice of raising alpacas, as well as the education of the local communities in the environment. For one of the projects the comany donated alpaca yarn to the remote village of Llali, where it taught 117 mothers knitting techniques. This way, 750 school children received a new warm sweater while their mothers earned a salary and learned a handicraft that provides an additional source of income. In March 2010, Incalpaca, Kuna’s parent company has been praised by the Mexican Center for Philantrophy (CEMEFI) for exemplary social responsibility in Latin America.


Feel the hands of the Andes!

秘魯 100% Baby Alpaca Parcas圖騰圍巾

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